Names (in alphabetical order) |
CV / Profile |
Agoua, Atchefon Jean Ingénieur Informaticien, Benin (FAST/UAC Benin) |
Ahounou, Prof. Apl. Dr. Bernadin, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Akume, Dr. Daniel, Buea, Cameroon (University of Buea) |
Ankoudji, Dr. Michel, Benin |
Atchadé, Prof. Apl. Dr. Mathias, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Bathossi, Prof. Apl. Dr. Damien, (France, UAC Benin) |
Berthaut, Laurent MSc in Financial and Actuarial Sciences, Actuary (IA), Munich, Germany (Munich Re Group) |
Bolnick, Howard J., MBA, FSA, MAAA, Hon FIA, Hon MASSA, Chicago, U.S.A. |
Bonn, Dipl.-Math. Marcus, Actuary (DAV), Düsseldorf, Germany (Ergo) |
Cabrignac, Olivier, actuaire (IA), Paris, France (SCOR GLOBAL LIFE) |
Christ, Dr. Henning, M.Sc., CFA, Munich, Germany (The Boston Counsulting Group, Munich) |
De Leers Renata, Ms Actuarial Sciences, Paris, France (ARAB) |
De Longueville, Philippe, Master in Mathematics & in Actuarial Sciences, Actuary (ARAB-KVBA), Brussel, Belgium (Secura NV, member of the KBC Group) |
Prof. Dr. Jan Dhaene, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Diers, Dr. Dorothea, Münster, Germany (Provinzial NordWest Holding AG) |
Donald, Stephen, Actuary (FSA, FCIA), Toronto, Canada (Buck Consultants Limited) |
Douandju, Huguette Isabelle, actuaire (IA), Bereldange, Luxembourg (FORTIS ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG) |
Engeländer, Dipl.-Math. Stefan, Actuary (DAV), Cologne, Germany (KPMG) |
Falk, Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH), Cologne, Germany (Commerzbank AG) |
Frenette, Normand, Actuary (FSA, FCIA), Ottawa, Canada (Buck Consultants Limited) |
Genheimer, Dipl.-Math. Frank, Actuary (DAV), Cologne, Germany (HDI-Gerling) |
Hensen, Dipl.-Math. Stefan, Actuary (DAV), Cologne, Germany (KPMG) |
Hessou, Dipl.-Inf. Alexis (Oracle Deutschland) |
Kahlenberg, Dr. Jens, Actuary (DAV), Cologne, Germany (agens Consulting) |
KAMEGA, Master d’actuariat, actuaire (IA), Crosne, France (WINTER & Associés) |
Katary, PhD Joseph, Benin |
Komnek, Armand Patrick, actuaire (IA), Bereldange, Luxembourg (DEXIA LIFE & PENSIONS) |
Kouphin, Charles Codjo, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Kpengla, Dr. PhD Samoël, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Kplé, Yahaut Armand, Côte d'Ivoire (ARAB, IACI) |
Lanha, Dr. Magloire, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Dr. Olivier Lévêque, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Liebwein, Dr. Peter, Actuary (DAV), Munich, Germany (Swiss Re München) |
Lo, Dipl.-Math. Abou, Idstein, Germany (HBA-Consulting AG) |
Marcos, Prof. Apl. Dr. Aboubacar, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Mittnik, Prof. PhD, Munich, Germany (LMU München) |
Moussa, Dipl.-Math. Guillaume P.N., Actuary (DAV), Neuss, Germany (Rheinland Versicherungs-AG) |
Oppel, Prof. Dr. Ulrich G., Actuary (DAV), Munich, Germany (LMU München) |
Ortmann, Prof. Dr. Karl Michael, Actuary (DAV), FIA, Berlin, Germany (Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, University of Applied Sciences) |
Pralle, Dr. Dipl.-Math. Lars, Actuary (DAV), Dusseldorf, Germany (MAZARS) |
Reich, Dipl.-Math. Hanno, Actuary (DAV), Cologne, Germany (KPMG) |
Rost, Prof. Apl. Dr. Daniel, Munich, Germany (LMU München) |
Shang, Zhaoning, M.S., Master of Advanced Studies in Statistics, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven Belgium |
Schlüchtermann, Prof. Apl. Dr. Georg, Munich, Germany (LMU München) |
Schmidt, Dr. Axel, Cologne, Germany (ERGO Versicherung) |
Sogbossi, Dr. Bertrand, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Todjihoundé, Prof. Apl. Dr. PhD Léonard, Benin (UAC Benin) |
Zerrouki, Kamel, actuaire (ARAB), Alger, Algérie (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Statistique et de l’Economie Appliquée (ENSSEA)) |
Ziguele Martin, DESS IIA Yaoundé (Cameroun), Paris, France (Exact Conseil) |
Hounnon, Prof. Apl. Dr. Hippolyte, Benin (Project Coordinator) |